the Mid-Autumn FestivalBy徐国山、蒋耀 and邹晋阳1PTP课件Today ,we will introduce you a Chinese tradit...
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The Mid-Autumn FestivalTime:lunar August 15th(农历八月十五)Mid-Autumn introductionThe annual luna...
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三(3)班农历八月十五2020/11/23※ 嫦娥奔月※ 吴刚折桂※ 朱元璋与月饼起义中 秋 节 传 说传说嫦娥是后羿...
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中秋佳节PPT模中秋节.贺卡模板Lorer Ipsum DolorAdipisicing Pecu, Sed Do Eiusnod Tepor中秋诗词中秋故中秋...
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中秋节礼品方案1精选课件ppt易兰 长形CD袋 7118产品号:100513VIP价:8.7 (市场价:15)大小 (长x宽x高):37 ...
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12Zhong Qiu Jie, which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebratedon the 15th day of the...
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PPT模板下载:/moban/ 行业PPT模板节日PPT模板 ...
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Chapter 01Chapter 02Chapter 03Chapter 04中秋快乐中秋节的简介中秋节的习俗中秋节诗词欣赏中秋节的故事传...
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2:Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.中秋节是中国四大传统节...
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中/秋/国/庆 双/节/同/庆 传/统/节/日汇报人:XXX 汇报时间:20XX壹迎中秋庆国庆贰中秋佳节喜团圆叁举国欢...
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PPT模板下载 行业PPT模板节日PPT模板
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中秋节快乐Happy Mid-Autumn Festival12020/12/27目录Content一二三中秋节溯源中秋节的别称中秋节的传说四五...
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