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Module 8 Unit 1I was two.小学新标准英语第四册Chant :Tall, tall. I am tall.Short,short. You ar...
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MODULE3 PicnicUNIT1 Will you take your kite?小学英语四年级课件撼铰百宵暖战违讯枪丰誓规亭胯涤磁埔锐孙...
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a schoolbag第1页/共20页an English book第2页/共20页a Chinese book第3页/共20页math book第4页/共20页a n...
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Let’s chantSing, sing, sing a songDraw, draw, draw a pictureWrite, write, write a poemMake, make, m...
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今天的表扬信会是你的吗?加油啦!听力判断小能手Key point: Is there…? Are there…?潘判听力判断小能手判...
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Welcome toJi-hong InnovativeEnglish Class!小学四年级英语课件Cambridge English(Mover)Teacher: Steven小...
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Welcome toJi-hong InnovativeEnglish Class!2021/3/101讲解:XXCambridge English(Mover)Teacher: Steven2...
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Unit 4 My Home(人教PEP)四年级英语上册课件beddeskchairWhat can you see in my room ?I can see…windo...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学四年级音乐课件: 《小螺号》...
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