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Congress and ScoutingOne hundred and ninety-one members of the 113th Congress have participated in S...
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Facts About ScoutingServiceIn 2012, service projects were conducted by more than 2.7 million youth m...
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Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】童子军训练营Boy scouts elite camp(精英夏令营...
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Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-LGG08】走进美国童子军课程走进美国童子军课程在美国...
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童趣产品手册【卡通学生笔类】 The cartoon student pens. 卡通笔、异形笔、铅笔、自动铅笔、钢笔、圆珠笔、...
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? Member of Great Youth Movement founded by Robert Baden Powell (B.P. in short) ? One hundred...
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人资社科 Human Resources & Social Sciences︱才智·Ability And Wisdom ︱2016 ︱269 童子军(Boy Scout)...
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儿童安全手册2009-12-28 09:43:04 来源: 南都周刊跟贴 1179 条手机看新闻2009年8月28日,东莞常平公安分局,被...
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文档编号军卫1号-CPR-0001-DSM军卫1号电子病历子系统数据结构手册版本 1.2.0军卫1号工程技术组二OO三年三月...
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