○1 添(去)括号的应用1、 7.35-(1.9+2.35)2、 933-157- 433、 8.8-6.75+9.2-0.254、 41×1025、 3.6+9...
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1小学四年级数学简便计算题集158+262+138 375+219+381+225 5001-247-1021-232(181...
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姓名??????????????得分158+262+138 ??????375+219+381+225 ?????5001-247-1021-232(181+2564)+2719 ?...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.仍对昂婶壁哥祝禽咕爆萨哟扰失霹涤...
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、直接写出得数。1-5%=9 5— X— =10 67x —123+4 =5 5八(每小题0.5分,共15分)1+1=+ 10=5+ 1%=12二、用你...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.晌拄痴绪沁寝蚁忽盒雀斌烬哪居璃各...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.氦姬凹肪琐斡牟浅龟樟堤仍爽赊舆贯...
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1小学四年级数学简便计算题集158+262+138 375+219+381+225 5001-247-1021-232(181...
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Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-LGG08】二年级数学计算题列式计算题二年级数学计算题...
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五年级数学计算题40分钟1、直接写出得数(13分)5.5 X2= 9.6 -4.8= 0.58+0.26= 4 X 0.25二0.36+1.54= 1.01 ...
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RUSER redacted on the night of December 17,2020二年级数学计算题列式计算题二年级数学计算题(列式计算3...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.九年级数学经典计算题14..14..1.计...
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小数计算练习班级 姓名一、 口算0. 7+0. 9=62. 5X 80=14+0. 78=5+ 10=4X 5=6+ 12=3. 75X 400=6X 1. 5=5-0. ...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.六年级数学上册计算题1(同名2419)...
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一年级上册十几加几,十几减几计算题0+7= 1+9= 10-10= 10-9= 18-8=12-4= 9+9= 9-4= 10-4+4= 3+7 -7=10-9+3=...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.二年级数学脱式计算题-(1)(同名14...
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158+262+138 375+219+381+225 5001 — 247 — 1021 — 232158+262+138 375+219+381+225 5001 — 247 — 102...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.简便计算练习题1容易出错类型(共...
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1小学四年级数学简便计算题集D2356-(1356-721) 1235-(1780-1665) 75×27+19×2 531×870+...
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整理文档页脚下载后可删除,如有侵权请告知删除!整理文档158+262+138 375+219+381+225 5001-2...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.一年级计算题班级:3+24二65-4=49...
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五年级数学计算题及答案【篇一:数学五年级下册简便计算题 100 道】.9+4.8 +3.1 0.456 +6.22 + 3.78 15...
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七年级数学计算题1) 66x+17y=3967(5) 67x+54y=854625x+y=120071x-y=5680(6) 42x-95y=-1410(2) 18x+23y=2303...
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-教育精选-(601-246) +5可编辑396 + 3 + 2985-16决 4648+480+3124-735^7(34+ 22) +845+ (15+3)205+ 7X 862-...
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144:9= 357 9 6= 200 9 7=144:9= 357 9 6= 200 9 7=97X3=75:5=121X4=352 = 5=42x3=510 = 9=296:4=615 : 5...
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707-35× 20 95÷ 5 +48 78× 7+81÷ 9 800-57 × 9(120- 103)× 50 48÷ 8× 7 ( 5021 -3918)× 6 (...
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精品教育-可编辑-精品教育-可编辑-25 X 32 X 125简便计算178 X 10-117884 X 36+64 X 8475 X 99+7583 X 102 ...
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