小学四年级数学口算题大全四年级口算练习(一)1)200×30= 2)42×4= 3)63×7= 4)230×20-46=5)130×3=...
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2019 年小学一年级数学口算练习题7+7= 7+5= 8+10= 7+3= 5+8=20-4= 19-4= 15+2= 16-7= 8+5=20-6= 1+18= 1+13...
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一年级下册数学口算题 [小学一年级数学口算题下册训练]一年级网权威公布小学一年级数学口算题下册训练,更多...
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小学二年级数学口算练习题Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.二年级数...
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30-2 =27-8 =21-2 =74+6 =8+50 =31-4 =9+48 =77-1=0+92 =13-9 =95+4 =92-4 =14-10=19-3 =73-...
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小学数学六年级下册口算题2- 5 - 2 =3 -0.25=7747+3 =15 × 21 =847256 ÷ 9 =2+0.6=513261+0.25=1 +0....
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四年级每日计算算题班级_____ 某_______(1)一.看谁口算又快又准10×2= 72-47=20×5= 27+15=20÷2= ...
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小学二年级数学练习题1)47+53=25)6×5 =49)24-6×5 =73)76+24=97)71-8×6 =2)52+39=26)7×5 =50)87-7×5 =7...
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63÷9×7=64÷8÷2=???56÷8÷7=49÷7÷7=49-9+30=40÷5×6= 40+6×7=6×7÷6=72-20+10= 9×6÷9=55+10...
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数字寒假作业姓名:颜冉冉 班别:三.一 班一、口算题26+9=57 - 38 =1500 -700 =42 ×2=9÷3=7 ÷7 =...
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小学二年级数学口算题大全-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)JINGBIAN40+6x7二 6x7-6= 72-20+10=9x6^9= 55+10-8...
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小学数学六年级下册口算题57232=++二-0. 25=33747312117715=X4725205823169=0—4826137112= +0. 25=X +0. 5...
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小学二年级数学练习题1)47+53=25)6×5 =49)24-6×5 =73)76+24=97)71-8×6 =2)52+39=26)7×5 =50)87-7×5 =7...
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[小学 二年级数学]小学生二年级应用题口算笔算题16-2×7=? ?? ?? ?2×2×2=? ?? ??? 2×9×8= ...
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Revised by Hanlin on 10 January 2021小学数学二年级上册口算题3+24=69-34=48+46+4=41+29=38+36=3+22+68= ...
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一、口算题(每天20道口算题,必须认真完成、书写认真):50+12= 16+30= 32+45= 7+61= 24+60=72+4= ...
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LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】小学数学三年级下册口算题小学数学三年级下册...
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286+198=×=24×12÷8 =314-202=×=34×5=×=-=4. 8-0.6=30×=×=5.3+2.6=×12=25×=10+3.4=-=×=2.5...
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小学数学二年级下册口算题姓名( )24 - 4=7+63=9X 4=36—6=9X 7=56 - 8=28 + 6=7X 5=36+4=30-5=63-9=64...
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Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】小学数学二年级上册口算题3+24=69-34=48+46+4=4...
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三年级口算第一页1) 480÷3=2) 95 ×20=3) 240÷3=4) 14 ×60=5) 4.2+8.7=6) 2.9+3.6=7) 9.4-2.8=8) 800÷8...
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25X2 =45 X 9 =11+22 =115-24 =25X4 =35X2 =125-26 =564-12 =25X6 =35X4 =456 + 45 =45X10 =25 X 8 =35X6 =...
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89-37= 51-39=Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.57-48=54+28=40-29=...
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小学二年级数学(上册)口算,冻习题日期:一__日 姓名:_用时:分成绩:1) 47+53=25) 6X5 =49) 24-6 X 5 =7...
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63^9X7=64电攵二56 电*二49*H=49-9+30=40 ^5 >6=40+6>7=6X7^6=72-20+10=9 >6 ^9=55+10-8=29+4-20=63^7^9=8+...
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文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]小学二年级数学口算题大全38+4= 17+5-...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学数学二年级下册口算题小学数学...
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在括号里填上 > <或 =0.8 X 8.2 ( ) 8.272.5 + 5.8 ( ) 198.7 + 0.65 ( ) 98.77.4 义 1.2 ( ) 7.41.8 + 5.8...
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三年级□算练习姓名: 班别: ()班26+9=57-38 =150-70 =42X2=99 + 3 =660 + 3 =960 + 3 =180 + 9 =65 + 1...
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一年级口算练习(一)班级姓名1+1 =2-1 =2+4=7-3=3-1 =3+4=7-4=1+2=1-1 =5+1=7-5=1+3=3-2=1+5=7-6=3+4=4-1 ...
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一年级口算练习(二)班级姓名(一)2+7=6-5=9-7—(二)(三)(四)1+5=7+3=7-1 =9-8=5+2=3+7=7-2=10-1 =...
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TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】小学数学三年级下册口算题632+131=102+20=0+8...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学数学二年级下册口算题姓名( ...
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RUSER redacted on the night of December 17,2020小学数学二年级下册口算题小学数学二年级口算题姓名( ...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学五年级数学口算1500题五年级数...
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Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am小学三年级数学上册口算题25×2=25×4=25×6=25×8=2...
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Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am小学三年级数学口算题大全数字寒假作业姓名:颜冉冉 ...
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小学一年级数学)口算题(一)19-11= 26- 4= 99-24= 29- 8= 88-77=50-50= 24-13= 10...
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小学数学混合口算5000题小学三年级下册数学口算题姓名:时间:得分:96-( )=61 48-( )=26 ( ...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学二年级数学(上册) 口算练习...
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姓名(24 + 4=7+ 63=9 X 4=36 + 6=9X 7=56 + 8=28 + 6=7 X 5=36 + 4=30 + 5=63 + 9=64 + 8=38 + 16=45 + 5=...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.五年级小学数学口算题300题D3/10 ...
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小学一年级数学口算练习题2019年小学一年级数学口算练习题7+7= 7+5= 8+10= 7+3= 5+8=20-4= 19-4= 15+2= 16-...
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19-11 =26- 4=99-24=29- 8=88-77=50-50=24-13=10+20=14+25=31-11 =17- 7=19-12=88-80=25-4=99-23=24-13=15+...
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小学一年级口算竞赛题班级—姓名——.成绩8 - 6 =5 + 4 =9 - 9 二4 + 3 + 6 =2 + 5 =10 - 7 =4 + 3 =15 - 5...
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632+131=2. 66+3. 58=1. 3-0. 5=80X30=102+20=12+12 + 12=54-9=60X70=0+8 =60+89=7. 1-2. 4=18X5 =480+90=2...
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小学二年级数学口算训练题小学二年级数学口算训练题60- 11-40= 79-9X8 =404-5+82= 24-1X6 =□ 76 + 92 - 40...
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日期: 月日 姓名:用时:分秒成绩:1) 47+53=25) 6X5 =49) 24-6 X 5 =73) 76+24=97) 71-8X62) 52+39=26) 7...
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日期: 月日 姓名:用时:分秒成绩:1) 47+53=25) 6X5 =49) 24-6 X5 =73) 76+24=97) 71-8X62) 52+39=26) 7X...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.25 X 2 =45 X 9 =11 + 22 =115-24...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学三年级下册数学口算题班级:姓...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.三年级口算练习姓名:班别:()班...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.89-37=51-39=52-27=63-27=48+23=5...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.小学二年级数学口算练习题(1)1)...
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小学二年级数学练习题Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.1)2)3)4)5)6...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.720 + 9=140* 2 =44 - 37 =4700 -...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.数字寒假作业姓名:颜冉冉 班别:...
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