本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文题目:Industry Transformation—Conceptual Considerations from an Evolutionary Perspective 出处:Journal of Business Market Management, 2007, Volume 1, Number 2, Pages 151-182 作者:Martin Gersch·Christian Goeke 原文: Industry Transformation–Conceptual Considerations from an Evolutionary Perspective Martin Gersch · Christian Goeke Abstract The explanandum ‘industry transformation’ is conceptualized against the background of market process theories. A system of indicators to measure industry transformation is set up and typical patterns of development and challenges for entrepreneurial action on business-to-business markets are derived. Analyzing industry transformation requires a co-evolutionary approach. Change is then detected using different indicators, exemplified using the German healthcare sector as an insight to business-to-business markets in transition. Entrepreneurial action is the key to an evolutionary understanding of business systems as drivers of change processes and the fact that – at the same time – they are driven by them. Typical features of industry transformation include historicity, path dependencies, and evolutionary interpretations of specificity leading to trajectories and multiple patterns like for example (dis-/re-)intermediation and cooperation Objectives and course of the paper Business activity in multi-tier market structures is the subject of business-to-business management. It seems that over a long period of time scientific literature on b usiness-to-business management was missing two things: (1) a theory-based analysis of effective and lasting change processes that explicitly respects temporality (Andersson and Mattsson 2006) and (2) an analysis of the challenges for entrepreneurial action which pany these change processes. The lack is concerning both, changes across the whole industry channel (value chain/supply chain) or within single markets in the channel. Observably, such transformation processes e along with signi