FMEA 降低气管插管非计划拔管率的临床研究 廖常菊丁娟张会礼陈燕梅明淑兰 四川省自贡市第一人民医院四川自贡 643000 【摘要】目的:探讨应用失效模式与效应分析降低气管插管非计划拔管发生率的效果。方法:运用失效模式与效应分析(FMEA),寻找非计划把关中潜在的失效模式,从失效模式发生的可能性、被发现的可能性、失效的严重性等三个维度进行评估,计算优先风险指数;风险优先排列,优化流程,进行前瞻性干预,比较实施前后非计划拔管的发生率。结果:两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=,P=)。结论:应用FMEA能有效地降低气管插管非计划拔管发生率。 【关键词】失效模式与效应分析;气管插管;非计划拔管;风险管理 【中图分类号】+3 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1764-8999(2015)7-0636-02 Application of FMEA in reducing extubation of endotracheal tube: a multicenter clinical trial 【Abstract】Objective:To discuss the application effect of FMEA in reduction of unpl- anned extubation of endotracheal :FMEA was applied to find out the failure mode of unplanned extubation of endotracheal tube,and then assessed it from three dimensions,which were the likelihood of occurrence,the possibility of being discovered,and the seriousness of the failure,and then calculated the RPN values,risk priority,and plan optimization process,at the last made a proactive beh- avior incidence of unplanned extubation pared between two gr- :There was statistically significant difference in unplanned extubation between two groups((χ2=,P=)).Conclusions:Application of FMEA can reducethe rate of Un- planned extubation of Endotracheal tube. 【Keywords】Failure mode and effect analysis;Endotracheal tube;Unplanned extubation; risk management 气管插管是抢救危重患者的重要措施,气管插管非计