PocketPC应用程序中使用SQLServerCE.docPocket PC应用程序中使用SQL Server CE>>教育资源库 . pact Frameeeeeon Language Runtime)的实例来管理代码。通过SDE利用. pact Frameports System Imports Imports Imports the database connection. Dim conn As Nep; _ passeter. Dim sql As String = SELECT * FROM _ titles anaged Provider,。 Imports 图3 建立数据库后,就需要创建表,,在这个例子中我们将在SQL Server CE Managed Provider使用类: SqlCeConnection 和 SqlCemand类。 '-----conn and ds are defined globally----- Dim conn As New SqlCeConne 12345下一页>>>>这篇文章来自..,。ction( _ Provider=; _ Data Source=My ) Dim ds As DataSet '------------------------------------------ Sub createStoreDB() ' if database does not exist, create one If Not ( _ My ) Then Dim sqlEngine As Nep; _ My ) () Dim cmd As Neand( _ CREATE TABLE Stores(storeID int _ Primary Key NOT NULL, _ storeName nvarchar(20)), conn) () () = _ CREATE TABLE Orders(storeID int, _ title_id nvarchar(20), qty int) () = _ INSERT INTO Stores (storeID, _ storeName) VALUES (1, _ 'Great BookStore') () = _ INSERT INTO Stores (store