幽门螺杆菌感染与儿童免疫性血小板减少症相关性研究.pdf中华实用儿科临床杂志年碌淼期 J 珹,琋 523 ·论著· 幽门螺杆菌感染与儿童免疫性血小板减少症 相关性研究 张梦周翱马静瑶何雯雯苏雁姜锦张蕊张莉杨骏陈振萍郑杰马洁 张利强吴润晖 【摘要】(Hp)(ITP) 其发病机制和有效治疗方法提供依据。方法顺序收集首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院血液肿瘤中心血液杂 20095201112ITP1Hp 根据是否存在感染分为感染组腥咀与非感染组歉腥咀,:年龄、性 2ITPHpITP 素;治龈鼿源嬖贖腥静±疨治疗效果及疾病转归的影响。结果共收集醮畏⒉ 患儿临床资料,感染组例%歉腥咀例%.槟炅涞牟钜煊型臣蒲б庖 一,嬖贖腥镜腎患儿年龄偏大;性别、出血情况、血小板减少程度比较差异均无统计学 意义、、,。年随访到±腥咀橛敕歉腥咀镮中位完全 缓解时问分别为鲈% 156644)2( (X2=4543P=0033)Hp2ITP (X2=8574P=0036)HpITP2 HpITP(P=0900)(P=0145)3145Hp Hp33Hp12HpHp2(= 14524448P=02280035)HpITPHpITP 例,。结论虽然受感染流行病学特点影响,存在感染 ITPHp HpITPHp HpITP 【关键词】免疫性血小板减少症;幽门螺杆菌感染;儿童 infection and Zhang , , Jingyao WertwenSu琂琙琙 LiyJunChertZhenpingZhengJieMa琙, .— CenterBeijingChildrens Capital Medical , Capital Medical , 100045China Corresponding : ,簉甤 【】 Objective investigate the correlation between pylori(Hp)infection and 琣 provide the basis explore its pathogenicity and suggest effective 甅 incipient ITP — Beijing Childrens Capital Mcdical May 1 collected and for least 1 . was routinely admission ording the coinfectionpatients divid group and group for :畉篴,, and level decreased2thetreatment and 琣 further whether infection was the :畉 influence eradication the prognosis 甊 suits There 221 cases first onset ITP52. group)and 169 — . out ,甌 was significant between group and group ages(Z=4996P=0000)The infection 瓸 there was gender(