2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2009 年 9 月首都体育学院学报 September 2009 第 21 卷第 5 期 Journal of Capital Institute of Physical Education Vol. 21 No. 5 ●课题成果 2008 年北京奥运会电视传播受众研究 A Study of Audience of munication of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 姚治兰 2 2 YAO Zhilan 摘要:运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对 2008 年北京奥运会电视传播受 众2情况进行了分析和研究。研究表明:1) 电视是受众获取奥运相关信息的首选媒体;2) 北京奥运会期间中国各观众群体都表现出积极踊跃的收视兴趣,呈现出全面的收视盛 况;3) 观众观看奥运会的最大需求是赛事信息和比赛过程;4) 受众在收视过程中表现出 对我国的优势项目和三大球项目关注程度高、受体育明星的影响较大、男性、年轻、中高 学历观众收视增长突出、心态更加开放、对奥运明星的评判标准发生变化、在收视中获 得温暖的情感体验等特点;5) 北京奥运会电视传播受众的需求基本上得到了满足。 关键词: 北京奥运会;电视传播;受众 中图分类号: G 80 05 文章编号:1009 783X(2009) 05 0550 04 文献标志码: A Abstract :By means of literature review , questionnaire , mathematical statistics ,etc. , the author of this study has analyzed the audience of munication of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The results show that :1) TV is audience’s first choice of media to obtain relevant information of the Olympic Games ;2) the audience groups in China have demon strated a positive and active interest in watching TV programs during the Beijing Olym pic Games and there is an overall high rate of viewing audience ;3) the audience’s grea test demand in watching Olympic Games is athletic information and the course pe titions. 4) in the course of viewing ,the audience has shown great concerns over those e vents of advantage for China