4 包装工程 PACKAGING ENGINEERING Vol. 31 2010. 12 GB 153灯具标准之机械强度相关要求的产品设计指 导性研究 温为才 1,付东明 2,籍芳 2 (1. 五邑大学,江门 529020;2. 江门出入境检验检疫局,江门 529020) 摘要:重点比较了 UL 153 灯具标准与 GB 灯具标准中有关机械强度要求的若干试验。在详细比较了跌落试 验、挤压试验、弹簧锤冲击试验的试验对象、试验设备、试验参数、合格判定等方面内容的基础上,就如何使机械强度 试验项目的编写更具有设计指导性,更趋合理提出了一些探索性建议,并为灯具设计人员总结出了需注意的事项。 关键词:灯具标准;产品设计指导性;GB ;UL 153;机械强度 中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2010)24-0004-04 Research on the Product Design Instruction of Mechanical Strength Tests in both GB and UL 153 Luminiare Standards WEN Wei-cai1,FU Dong-ming2,JI Fang2 (1. Wuyi University,Jiangmen 529020,China;2. Jiangmen Entry-modity Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Jiangmen 529020,China) Abstract:It focused paring drop test, Crush test and Spring hammer impact resistance test, which are the main Mechanical strength tests in GB and UL 153 luminaire standards. Based on the explicit contrast of the test items, the test equipments, test parameters and the quality acceptance standards, it put forward some tentative suggestions to make the mechanical strength test items in the two luminaire standards more reasonable and more instructive to the luminaire design. It also summarized some points that the luminaire designers should especially pay attention to. Key words:luminaire standard;product design instruction;GB ;UL 153;mechanical strength GB 7000 系列灯具标准为