2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 基于 ARM7和 ZigBee技术的物流机械设备测振系统的设计与实现· 33· 基于 ARM7和 ZigBee技术的物流机械设备 测振系统的设计与实现 周慧玲, 王智威, 张凤英, 张锋辉 (北京邮电大学自动化学院,北京 100876) 摘要:介绍了一种基于嵌入式与 ZigBee技术的物流机械振动测试系统。该系统采用 ARM7内核并支持 实时仿真和跟踪的 LPC2292为硬件系统核心,扩展了 A /D转换器 MAX197,实现了高速数据 A /D转换, JENN IC的 JN5121高增益大功率模块 JN5121 Z01 M02负责数据的无线传输;在 ARM 上移植μC /OS Ⅱ 实时操作系统,以此为基础开发应用软件。上位机基于 LabW indows开发图形界面管理软件实时显示并 保存机械振动数据。 关键词: ARM7; ZigBee; JN5121;机械振动 中图分类号: TP274 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 8829 (2010) 02 - 0033 - 03 D esign and Rea liza tion of D etection System Ba sed on ARM 7 and Z igBee for L og isticsM ach inery ZHOU Hui ling, WANG Zhi wei, ZHANG Feng ying, ZHANG Feng hui (School of Automation,Beijing University of Posts and munications, Beijing 100876, China) Abstract:A solution of vibration detection system for logisticsmachinery based on embedded and ZigBee is in troduced. For hardware, LPC2292 with ARM7 core is used as the central part, MAX197 is extended for high speed A /D conversion, high gain power module JN5121 Z01 M02 of JN5121 series form JENN IC is responsi ble to wireless data transm ission. μC /OS Ⅱ real time OS is transp lanted on ARM , based on which app lication software is developed. Graphic user interface demonstrating and storing the data of machinery vibration is based on LabW indows. Key words:ARM7; ZigBee; JN5121; machinery vibration 物流