禾本科植物谷胱甘肽氧化物酶的活性测定 姓名:关春龙 专业:生物工程 指导教师:崔喜艳 摘要:本文以羊草的叶片和根为材料, 用0. 2 mo l /L pH 6. 2的磷酸缓冲液( 含 1 mmo l/L EDTA-2Na,5%的水溶性PVP)作为谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH一PX)的提取介质,偏磷酸为酶促反应的蛋白质沉淀剂, 二硫代对二硝基苯甲酸(DTNB ) 与 GSH显色反应3min, 在412 nm测定酶管和非酶管的OD值, 以测定谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的活性 关键词:盐碱胁迫;羊草;GSH-PX;酶活性 Analyzing Soluble Sugar Content and Biomass of Sweet Sorghum under Saline-alkali Stress Name:Guan Chunlong Major:Biological Engineering Tutor:Cui Xiyan Abstract: Soil salinization is a global issue. Experiments prove that growing state of sweet sorghum shows growth inhibition,lower production and physiological disorders under soil salinity In this study,sweet sorghum as our material,was sowed in neutral soil and saline soil, respectively,exploring characteristics of salinity stress for the sweet sorghum and the change of soluble sugar and biomass. According to the particularity of different soils,we observed the relationship between different varieties and salt-alkali stress at different growth understanding of physiological mechanism of sweet sorghum response to salt-alkali stress for screening sweet sorghum germplasm,identifying salinity tolerance and cultivating the new sweet sorghum species is significance. Keywords: Salt stress; sweet sorghum; Glutathione peroxidase; enzyme actirity Ⅰ 1前言 植物是一个需氧代谢的有机体。在呼吸和光合作用过程中,线粒体、叶绿体和过氧化物酶体均可导致活性氧(Reactive OxygenSpecies,ROS)含量的提高。当ROS积累到一定水平时,将会对植物造