Always On – A Global Perspective of Mobile Consumer Experience June 2017 LONDON - SINGAPORE - DUBAI
18 countries participated in the research, 200 representative smartphone owners from each country. All respondents must access the via mobile web and/or mobile apps. When referencing global average or regional average throughout this report, the results are derived from the 18 participating countries. See Appendix for more details on methodology and sample specification. Takeaways The global mobile adoption and usage is prevalent. Mobile devices are an integral part of consumers’ daily lives. • The majority (63%) of smartphone owners worldwide use their mobile device at least every 30 minutes. This usage includes any and all different ways a mobile device can be used, from making calls, to checking the time, to accessing the . • A core group of frequent mobile users (around a fifth across all participating countries) report using their mobile device every 5 minutes. • Nowhere is this more evident than in South America, where 68% use their mobile device at least every 30 minutes. This frequent usage is most prevalent in Brazil (78%) and Argentina (73%). Mobile usage is not only frequent, it mands a bulk of consumers’ time each day. • Nearly half (49%) of smartphone users worldwide spend at least 3 hours each day on their mobile device, 22% spend 6 hours or more. • South America has the most heavy mobile users (29%) who spend 6 hours or more on mobile each day. • At the country level, Brazil, China and Argentina lead the way in terms of time spent on mobile, with 38%, 31%, and 29% respectively using their mobile device for 6 hours or more. Takeaways Smartphone users access the via mobile web and/or mobile apps frequently. Awareness and impact of mobile advertising on these platforms are similar. • An overwhelming majority of mobile web and mobile app users access the via thes