天父世界 Father’s World 1=A 3/4 词 Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901 曲 Franklin L. Sheppard 整理 1915 This is my Fa-ther's world, and to my listen-ing ears This is my Fa-ther's world, the birds their ca-rols raise, This is my Fa-ther's world, O let me ne'er for-get 这是天父世界, 孩童侧耳要听 这是天父世界, 小鸟长翅飞鸣 这是天父世界, 求主叫我不忘 all na- ture sings, and round me rings the mu- sic of the spheres. the morn- ing light, the li- ly white de- clare their mak- er's praise. that though the wrong seems oft so strong God is the rul- er yet. 宇宙唱歌四围响应, 星辰作乐同声 清晨明亮好花美丽, 证明天理精深 罪恶虽然好像得胜, 天父却仍掌管 This is my Fa-ther's world: I rest me in the thought This is my Fa-ther's world: He shines in all that's fair; This is my Fa-ther's world: why should my heart be sad? 这是天父世界, 我心满有安宁 这是天父世界, 他爱普及万千 这是天父世界, 我心不必忧伤 of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; his hand the won-ders wrought. in the rustl- ing grass I hear him pass; he speaks to me eve-ry-where. The Lord is King; let the hea-v