留学生住宿管理规定 Management Regulations on International Students’ Dormitories 为了确保留学生的人身和财产安全,保障学习和生活环境,所有住宿生必须遵守下述规定: In order to guarantee the safety and property and to maintain good study and living conditions, all international students ply with the following regulations: 遵守研究生部的宿舍安排。不经允许,禁止更换宿舍。入住24小时内,必须到五里河派出所进行住宿登记。 Please obey the arrangements made by Graduate School and reside in the designated dormitory. You are not allowed to change the dormitory without permission. Within 24 hours after moving in, you need register in Wulihe police station. 研究生大厦只提供三年住宿。住宿期满,留学生必须及时办理离宿手续。 The dormitories of Graduate Building are provided for all students no more than three years. The students have to move out of the dormitories when it is expired. 禁止在宿舍内从事违法活动,如酗酒、赌博、嫖娼、吸毒、贩毒等。一旦发现将受到学校严惩,情节严重者将交给公安机关处理。 Do not engage in activities against the Chinese law or school regulations in the dormitory. Otherwise you will be disciplined according to school regulations. Serious cases will be investigated by the judicial authority and those involved will be held legally responsible. 禁止把宿舍转让或转租他人,禁止家属、亲戚、朋友等外来人员留宿。 You are not allowed to transfer or sublet your room or to put up others including your families, relatives or friends for the night. 爱护房间内的一切公共设施及所配备的公用物品,如有丢失或损坏须赔偿。禁止私自移动、拆装家具及设施设备。 Do not damage, dismantle or rearrange the furniture or the equipment in the dormitory.