infertility[实用论文 专业论文].pptInfertility Objectives Define primary and secondary infertility Describe the causes of infertility Diagnosis and management of infertility Requirements for Conception Production of healthy egg and sperm Unblocked tubes that allow sperm to reach the egg The sperms ability to rate and fertilize the egg Implantation of the embryo into the uterus Finally a healthy pregnancy Infertility The inability to conceive following unprotected sexual intercourse 1 year (age < 35) or 6 months (age >35) Affects 15% of reproductive couples million couples Men and women equally affected Infertility Reproductive age for women Generally 15-44 years of age 20% of women have their first child after age 30 1/3 of couples over 35 have fertility problems Ovulation decreases Health of the egg declines With the proper treatment 85% of infertile couples can expect to have a child Infertility Primary infertility a couple that has never conceived Secondary infertility infertility that occurs after previous pregnancy regardless of e Psychosocial Issues Expectations Stress on Relationships Stress on Finances Alternatives- Adoption or Childless Counseling, Support Groups Etiologies Male Factor 40% Tubal Factor 40% Ovulation Problem 10% Unexplained 10% Start with History. . . What Clues Can You Find on History? Male Factor Tubal Factor Ovulation T LH FSH GnRH T = Testosterone LH = Leuteinizing Hormone (regulates T secretion) FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone (regulates seminiferous tubule function) GnRH = Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (regulates LH & FSH secretion) INHIBIN from Sertoli cells feedsback on the pituitary to regulate FSH secretion PITUITARY/TESTIS FEEDBACK SYSTEM TIME CONCENTRATION INHIBIN