区域发展地理邻近和组织邻近对产业集群创新影响效应 地理邻近和组织邻近对产业集群创新影响效应 ———基于对我国汽车产业集群的实证研究 李琳,杨田 �湖南大学经济与贸易学院,湖南长沙 410079� 摘要�多维邻近性与创新是近年来西方学术界多学科关注的热点,但国内研究明显滞后。本文创造性地将组 织邻近划分为横向组织邻近和纵向组织邻近两个维度,结合产业集群创新理论,探讨了地理邻近和组织邻近对 集群创新的影响机制,并据此提出了 5 个待验假设�选取我国 6 大汽车产业集群的 12 家典型汽车生产集团近 5 年相关数据进行实证检验。得出结论�地理邻近对产业集群创新绩效产生正效应�纵向组织邻近对集群创新绩 效产生负效应,而横向组织邻近为正效应�地理邻近与纵向组织邻近对集群创新绩效影响呈替代关系,与横向组 织邻近呈互补关系�直接创新投入和集群发展水平都促进集群创新绩效提升。 关键词�汽车产业集群�地理邻近�纵向组织邻近�横向组织邻近�集群创新绩效 �� 中图分类号� F062. 9 文献标识号� A 文章编号� 1002 - 9753 2011 09 - 0133 - 11 Effect of Geographical Proximity anisational Proximity � on Innovations of Industrial Cluster an Empirical Research Based on Automobile Industry Clusters in China , LI Lin YANG Tian �, , , � College of Economy and Trade Hunan University Changsha 410079 China � Abstract Dimensions of proximity is the focus played close attentions by many disciplines in the west counties in recent , years. Compared with our country it is almost a bank status. anizing the existing literature and clearing theore- , anisational proximity is divided into anisational proximity and anisational proximity for , empirical research creatively for the frist time. Based on the related theories this paper explores the influence mecha- nisms of proximities on industrical clusters. pletion of the discussion about the mechanism between the indus- , try cluster innovation and proximities this article proposes five hypothesizes. And the empirical tests are based on the datas of 12 auto production groups of 6 automobile industry clusters in China for recent five years. This paper can get �� following conclusions geographic proximity has a positive influence on innovation performances of industrial cluser ver- , anizational proximity has a negative influence while anisational proximity has a aggressive influ- �, ence there is substitution effect between geographical proximity and anisational proximity plementa- � ry effect between geographical p