6 ess Factors in Six Sigma Implementation
Steve Zinkgraf
Sigma Breakthrough Technologies
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科特的领导变化蓝图Kotter’s Leading Change Roadmap
每一步的基准Benchmarks for each step
领导层执行蓝图Leadership Implementation Roadmap
天马行空官方博客:http://t./tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632
科特的8个程序Kotter’s Eight Stage Process
要有急迫感Establish a sense of urgency
产生领导性的合作Create a guiding coalition
规划远景和策略Develop a vision and strategy
municate the change vision
赋予职员自由行动的空间Empower employees for broad-based action
取得短期盈利Generate short-term wins
巩固盈利,制造更多的机会Consolidate gains and produce more change
固定新方法Anchor new approaches in the culture
第一步:要有紧迫感Step 1: Establish a sense of urgency
调查市场竞争实体Examine market petitive realities
识别危机,潜在危机和机会Identify crises, potential crises or major opportunities
要有积极的紧迫感Positive sense of urgency created: Allied Signal and GE
设定宏伟的税收、收入和生产力目标Set revenue, e, productivity targets aggressively
ountability clear
要有高层领导Senior leadership always present
没有紧迫感No sense of urgency created –没有责任心no accountability
缺乏高层领导Absence of senior leadership
mitment of leadership to understand change
第二步:产生领导性的合作Step 2: Create a Guiding Coalition
集中力量领导团体改变Put together a group with enough power to lead change
让该团体像一个小组一样的合力工作Get the group to work together as a team
联合信号由责任清晰的冠军小组开始AlliedSignal starts with group of Champions with clear accountability
每月执行理事转变为6 委员会Exec Council es Six Sigma Council every month
Polaroid charters champion group
冠军要有强烈的职务能力,专业知识和可行性Champions identified with strong position power, expertise and/or credibility - Meet monthly
mitment to up-front workshops and training
冠军的职务能力差Champions have poor positional power
没有建立正常的合作No formal coalition established
mitment to up-front workshops and training
对结果没有分清责任No clear accountability for results
第四步:交流变化远景Step 4: Communicate the change vision
使用每一种可能的途径不断交流远景和策略Use e
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