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· 机械制造与研究· 车磊,等· 逆向工程技术应用研究 2
(新疆大学机械工程学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830008)
关键词:逆向工程;快速成型技术; Imageware软件
中图分类号: TH166 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671 5276 (2008) 03 0034 03
Applica tion Study of Reverse2 Eng ineer ing
CHE Lei, WU J in qiang, CHAO Yong sheng
(Co llege ofM echan ica l Enginee ring, Xinjiang U nive rsity, W u lum uq i 830008, C hina )
Abstract:W ith the rap id deve lopm ent o f so cie ty, the m e thod s in the trad itiona l de sign ing and m aking the p roducts can no t con ten t
the dem and s of ente rp rise s ye t. R eve rse Enginee ring p lays an inc rea sing ly impo rtant ro le in the po sitio n of mo de rn ente rp rise s, be
cause it sho rtens g rea tly the deve lopm ent cycle of p ro duc ts. The pap e r in troduce s the softw a mon ly u sed fo r Reve rse Engi
nee ring and the con tra st to seve ra l kinds ofm ea su rem entm e thod s in Reve rse Eng inee ring, and exp la in s the th ree dim ensiona lmod
e ling cou rse of the Reve rse Eng inee ring w ith the examp le.
Key words: reve rse eng inee ring; rap id p ro to typ ing; im agew a re so ftw a re
0 概述
逆向工程( reverse engineering, RE) ,又称反向工程、
逆向工程技术应用研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.