,不看单据 【答案】:B 3、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 4、关于出口货物电子监管,以下表述错误的是( )。 、加工、储运和质量控制等过程的全面电子化管理 ,进一步提高了出口货物通关速度
【答案】:D 27、The trade term CIF is the abbreviation for ( ). and Freight ,Insurance and Freight , Insurance and Fee , Inspection and Quarantine 【答案】:B 28、出入境检验检疫机构是主管出入境卫生检疫、动植物检疫、商品检验、鉴定、认证和监督管理的( )机构。