【答案】:D 14、汉译英:“装运港;卸货港”,正确的翻译为( )。 of transfer ; port of discharge of loading ; port of discharge of transfer ; port of destination of loading ; port of desdnafion 【答案】:B 15、We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of Chin. credit
bill list 【答案】:A 16、对由境外发货人责任造成残损短缺或品质等问题的法检货物,需要换货、退货或赔偿的,( )可作为通关免税或者退税的重要凭证
【答案】:D 21、my frienD tolD me that( ) English language is diffiCult is diffiCult English is diffiCult English is diffiCult 【答案】:A 22、We refuse to ( )the commodity for its poor quality.
accepted accepted 【答案】:A 23、汉译英:“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为( )。 ; valid ; value ; value ; valid 【答案】:C 24、根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法实施条例》的有关规定,我国对向中国输出动植物产品的国外生产、加工、存放单位实行( )。