【答案】:D 16、四川某生产企业委托浙江某公司从上海口岸进口一批货物( 检验检疫类别为M/N),报检人应当 向( )检验检疫机构报检,货物通关后,向( )检验检疫机构申请检验。 ;四川 ;浙江 ;上海 ;四川 【答案】:D 17、Your shipment of goods has been found short ( ) weight by CIQ.
【答案】:C 22、Country of origin means the country ( ). sells the goods the goods are shipped buys the goods the goods are produced 【答案】:D 23、实施通关单联网核查后,关于企业报检、报关的申报要求,以下表述错误的是( )。
【答案】:D 24、We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of Chin. credit
bill list 【答案】:A 25、上海某公司欲向日本出口一批河南生产的大蒜,在天津口岸报关出口。报检人应向( )检验检疫机构申请检验检疫,向( )检验检疫机构申请办理换证报检手续。 ;天津 ;上海 ;上海 ;天津 【答案】:D 26、上海某公司进口一批法国产威士忌,货物从深圳口岸入境转关至珠海,最终销售地为广州,该批货物的报检地点是( )。