本研究通过数值模拟和实验分析,探讨了跨座式单轨群钉连接装配式钢-混组合轨道梁的等效刚度问题。研究结果表明,跨座式单轨群钉连接技术可以有效提高轨道梁的刚度性能,为轨道交通工程的设计和施工提供了重要的参考和技术支持。 参考文献: [1] Johnson J L, Meteyer D H, O'Connell E J. Analysis of stiffness,strength and failure modes of steel-composite beam-to-column connections[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 146: 47-64. [2] Xiong G, Ou J, Liu W, et al. Experimental investigation and numerical analysis of composite beam-to-column Rigid connections based on the assembly technique with high-strength bolts[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 130: 66-85.