【答案】:C 29、英译汉:“gross weight; net weight”,正确的翻译为( )。 ;皮重 ;净重 ;毛重 ;皮重 【答案】:B 30、汉译英:“商业的;海关”,正确的翻译为:( )。 ; commercial veterinary certificate ; customs ; commercial ; economical 【答案】:B 31、my frienD tolD me that( ) English language is diffiCult is diffiCult English is diffiCult English is diffiCult 【答案】:A 32、《出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录( 2012)》中检验检疫类别含“Q”的商品编码共有( )。 个 个 个 个 【答案】:D 33、Please inform us the prices of pants on the term of ( ) ShenZhen.
【答案】:D 34、英译汉:“Sanitary Certificate”,正确的翻译为( )。
【答案】:C 35、The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for ( ) tomorrow.