【答案】:C 3、汉译英:“装运港;卸货港”,正确的翻译为( )。 of transfer ; port of discharge of loading ; port of discharge of transfer ; port of destination of loading ; port of desdnafion 【答案】:B 4、汉译英:“数量证书”,正确的翻译为( )。 of Weight of Quarantine of Inspection of Quantity 【答案】:D 5、市场采购货物出口报检时,应在货物( )进行。
【答案】:B 16、Commodity inspection certifies whether the quality, quantity and the packing of the goods are in compliance ( )the contract requirements or not.
【答案】:A 20、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 21、检验检疫机构签发的证单一般以( )作为签发日期。
【答案】:C 22、关于我国进境水果检疫管理的要求,以下表述错误的是( )。
、邮寄水果进境 ,可免办检疫审批手续 ,必须以原包装进口,有明确的产地标记 【答案】:C 23、People greatly differ ( ) their view of life
【答案】:A 24、以下所列货物,第一标准计量单位为“千克”的是( )。
【答案】:C 25、对装运出口( )的船舱和集装箱,其承运人或装箱单位必须在装货前申请适载检验。
【答案】:C 26、以下无需办理注册登记的是( )。
【答案】:A 27、,实施出口质量许可管理的是( )。
【答案】:D 28、The goods should be ( ) in wooden cases.
pack 【答案】:C 29、The products described above have been subjected to ( ) treatment of at least SOTlfor 30 minutes.