【答案】:A 8、下列SQL语句中,能够实现“收回用户ZHAO对学生表(STUD)中学号(XH)的修改权”这一功能的是( )。 (XH)ONTABLEFROMZHAO (XH)ONTABLEFROMPUBLI (XH)ONSTUDFROMZHAO (XH)ONSTUDFROMPUBLIC 【答案】:C 9、设信号的波特率为600Baud,采用幅度一相位复合调制技术,由2种幅度和8种相位组成16种码元,则信道的数据速率为(21)。 b/s b/s b/s b/s 【答案】:B 10、BGP runs over a reliable transport (请作答此空). This eliminates the need to implement explicit update fragmentation, retransmission, acknowledgement, and ( ). Any authentication scheme used by the transport protocol may be used in addition to BGP's own ( )mechanisms. The error notification mechanism used in BGP ( )that the transport protocol supports a “graceful” close, ., that all outstanding data will be delivered ( )the connection is closed.