正解(答案拖曳鼠标可见):2 解析:由于正在进行下水道施工,会因此给您带来不便,希望能得到您的谅解。请多关照。 这里的'考点是敬语ご理解表示尊他。「いただく」是「もらう」的谦让语,希望能得到您的理解,就是「ご理解いただく」,题干中出现的「ご理解いただきたく」是「ご理解いただきたい」放到句子里转变成中顿形之后形式。而其它选项1「いたしたく」、「いたす」是「する」的谦让语「ご+サ变动词名词词干+いたす」。是一个表示自谦的形式,比如「ご案内いたします」。让我为您带路,这题中是为了得到民众的理解,所以不能用。 3「差し上げたく」、「差し上げる」是「あげる」的尊敬语。句中是为了得到群众的理解而并非是给予群众理解,因此也不能选。 选项4「申し上げる」是动词「いう」的自谦语。放在句子里意思不符。因此只能选择选项2。 あの難しい試験に合格する( )、彼女はほんとうにすごい。 1)なんて 2)からすると 3)なんか 4)にかけては 正解:1 10月の入社試験に( )、9月に会社説明会が行われる。 1)あたって 2)さいして 3)さきだって 4)まえもって 正解:3 彼は、専門の西洋史は( )、芸術から科学にいたるまで広く深い知識を持っている。 1)もとより 2)きまって 3)だけでなく 4)ぬきにして 正解:1 親のほうが( )子供に教えられるということは、珍しくない。 1)かえって 2)なんとか 3)思わず 4)うっかり 正解:1 この物語は年齢を( )、だれからも愛されている。 1)かかわらず 2)知らず 3)言わず 4)問わず 正解:4 篇3:职称英语理工类完形专项练考试的完形填空中,动词不失为一个重要测试指标,动词是实义词中语法信息载量最大的一类。在测试内容上,除了与语法结构相对应的时态、语态、语气和非谓语形式外,还包括完形填空特有的与上下文语义密切相关的动词意义的选择和近义动词的辨别等。如: Last June my brother 1 a had had an old Scooter before,but it_2_severaIIimes durm the you want is a$econd_hand Mini,I you give me me money,he said,3 one cant give you the replied,but what about Aunt must have 4 her since Christmas but she always hints that we_5_go and see her more often. We told our parents where we were weren 1 happy about it and asked us not to 6 .But 1ater that same day something doctor_8_us that Aunt Myra_9_into hospital for an operation 10go and see her,said my two go today,but dont mention themoney. When we_11Aunt Myra_12_Iin not seriously illshe said,but the doctor insists thaI_13 t0 driVe my have it if you promise_14 _me t0 the seaside now and .
《理工类》完形填空练习1 《理工类》完形填空模拟练习
《理工类》完形填空练习2 《理工类》完形填空辅导冲刺 篇4:职称英语完型填空专项练习题 If you cannot see, you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building-and that could be fatal. A company in Leeds could change all that__1__ directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit. Sound Alert, a company__2__ the University of Leeds, is installing the alarms in a residential home for__3__ people in Sommerset and a resource centre for the blind in a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine the __5__ is coming from. Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alarms use most of the frequencies that can be __6__ by humans. “It is a burst of white noise__7__ people say sounds like static on the radio,” he says. “Its life-saving potential is great”She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large__8__ room. It__9__ them nearly our minutes to find the door__10__ a sound alarm, but only 15 seconds with one. Withington studies how the brain__11__ sounds at the university. She says that the __12__ of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a narrow band. Alarms__13__ on the same concept have already been installed on emergency vehicles. The alarms will also include rising or falling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up__14__ down stairs. They were__15__ with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels. 1. A) without B)with C)having D)selling . 2. A) run by B)changed by C) decorated by D)criticized by . 3. A) slow B)deaf C)blind D)lame. 4. A) Alarms B) Alarm C) The alarm D) The alarms. 5. A) noise B) sound C) music D) bell . 6. A) watched B) produced C) learnt D) heard . 7. A) where B) what C) that D) how. 8. A) smoked B) smoke-filled C) filled with smoke D) smoke-filling . 9. A) has taken B) takes C) took D) will take. 10. A) on B) near C) without D) from. 11. A) processes B) produces C) possesses D) proceeds . 12. A) feature B) quality C)diagram D) source . 13. A) basis on B) base on C) basing on D) based on . 14. A) or B) and C) but D) otherwise . 15. A) developed B) determined C) discovered D) delivered . 答案:1~5 BACDB 6~10 DCBCC 11~15 ADDAA