人工流产后口服复方短效避孕药的临床研究论文 龙旭,王瑞英,钟玲,刘洋 【摘要】目的探讨人工流产后服用复方短效口服避孕药对阴道流血量、阴道流血时间,月经恢复时间及月经恢复的影响。方法272例人工流产者分为两组,治疗组130例,于人工流产后立即服用复方短效口服避孕药尤思敏、抗生素及益母草胶囊;对照组142例仅在人流术后使用抗生素和益母草胶囊。结果治疗组阴道流血量及阴道流血时间与对照组有显著性差异(P<),术后月经恢复正常比例明显高于对照组(P<)。结论人流术后使用口服避孕药既可做到有效避孕,又能明显的减少阴道流血时间和流血量,促进月经周期的恢复。 【关键词】复方短效口服避孕药; 人工流产 AbstractObjectiveTo discuss the effect of short-acting bined oral contraceptive after induced abortion on the volume of vaginal bleeding, the duration of vaginal bleeding, the time of menses return and the menstruation recovery. Methods272 cases of induced abortion ent group (n=130) and control group (n=142); antibiotics and leonurus japonicus capsules inistrated to patients in both groups after induced abortion in, ent group immediately after induced abortion. ResultsThe volume of vaginal bleeding and the duration of vaginal bleeding in treatment group and those in control group enstruation recovery after abortion in treatment group uch higher than that in control group (P<). ConclusionsThe application of bined oral contraceptive after induced abortion can not only provide contraceptive effect but also can obviously shorten the duration of vaginal bleeding, decrease the bleeding volume and promote the menstruation recovery. KEYWORDSbined oral contraceptiveinduced abortion 人工流产是避孕失败后的一种补救措施,人工流产虽是一种安全、简便的手术..毕业,但其近期、远期并发症亦逐渐引起全社会的高度重视,尤其针对高重复流产人群,宫腔与盆腔的感染等会严重影响女性的生殖