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In The Further
In the future, people's lives are inseparable from the support of science and technology, science and technology, has e a necessity of daily life.
Technology is very important
Housewives, you can enjoy life without daily endless trouble with the household, because it was in everyone's home will have a "nanny robot”, he can accurately understand the needs of the owner, in the shortest time possible plete any home owner to the task, their memory chips will record the owner's habits so that people's daily lives e more efficient, the quality of life has greatly improved. The parents who also have more time with their children around, which would also help them grow.
At Home
Because the family have a "nanny" relationship, people can work with more confidence, while the time and place of work is: when and where. People through munication technology can be multi-party talks, as if in the office, can be very convenient place in the conduct of munication, thus eliminating the need for workplace time, as long as there is a chair, people can work , so I have more work time, but also improve efficiency.
Families with "nanny" care, when and where work can be carried out. Under such circumstances, people are more able to choose a place pletely relax and work or entertainment, so that by fostering a new means of transport: easy transportation of people. This

未来生活(英文) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数10
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人mh900965
  • 文件大小804 KB
  • 时间2018-03-07