The naive implementation of the N-point digital Fourier transform involves calculating the scalar product of the sample buffer (treated as an N-dimensional vector) with N separate basis vectors. Since each scalar product involves N multiplications and N additions, the total time is proportional to N2 (in other words, it's an O(N2) algorithm). However, it turns out that by cleverly re-arranging these operations, one can optimize the algorithm down to O(N log(N)), which for large N makes a huge difference. The optimized version of the algorithm is called the fast Fourier transform, or the FFT.
Let's do some back of the envelope calculations. Suppose that we want to do a real-time Fourier transform of one channel of CD-quality sound. That's 44k samples per second. Suppose also that we have a 1k buffer that is being re-filled with data 44 times per second. To generate a 1000-point Fourier transform we would have to perform 2 million floating-point operations (1M multiplications and 1M additions). To keep up with ing buffers, we would need at least 88M flops (floating-point operations per second). Now, if you are lucky enough to have a 100 Mflop machine, that might be fine, but consider that you'd be left with very little processing power to spare.
Using the FFT, on the other hand, we would perform on the order of 2*1000*log2(1000) operations per buffer, which is more like
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