提要 目的:本文旨在运用中医理论,对小儿支气管肺炎的病因病机和治疗方药进行深入探讨,以寻求治疗本病的有效方药。方法:将60例患儿随机分为2组,分别给予开肺化痰汤(治疗组)、头孢噻肟钠合病毒唑(对照组),观察患儿症状、体征及血象、 x线方面的变化。结果:治疗组总有效率Too%,对照组总有效率100%,治疗组与对照组疗效相当(P>);说明治疗组在改善小儿咳嗽、咯痰、舌质、舌苔等肺炎症状、体征方面与对照组疗效相当,且可避免静脉注射引起的疼痛感以及长期应用西药引起的副作用如过敏反应、肝肾毒性等。结论:开肺化痰汤对小儿支气管肺炎之风热闭肺型有良好的治疗效果,且无毒副作用,具有临床应用价值。 关键词:d'JL支气管肺炎:风热闭肺型;开肺化痰汤;临床研究 絮经作者、导师同意 细全文公布 CI inicaI Study on Therapy of Chi Idren’S Acute Bronchopneumonia With Removi ng PuImonany Obstruction and ResoI Ving PhIegm Decoction SpeoiaI ity:Lung Di sense Pediatrics medici Re of TCM Autor:Han Wenni ng Tutor:Wang Mi ngxiang Abstraot Objective:To investigate the etiology and pathogenesis of children’s acute bronchopneumonia and probe into the management method and prescription by using the theory of the Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).Method:60 children are randomy divided into 2 group:Treatment group(treated by taking Removing pulmonary obstruction and resolring phlegm decoction):Control group(treated by taking Cefotaxime Sodium for Injection).Observating the patientl s syndromd,hemogram and X—ray after Removing pulmonary and resolving phlegm decoction paring with control It:The total efffctive rate for the treatment group is 100%,which is equcal to the control explains the curative effect of the treatment group in improving some main symptoms,such as setting cough,dispelling phlegn,tongue,fur and so on is equcal to the control avoiding to side effect such as anaphylactic response and pain arised from vein injection aried from long using western I us i on:Removing pulmonary obstruction and resolving phlegm decoction Could obviously treat wind and heat tightening and lung of children‘s acute bronchopneumonia and have the impordand cl inica]value in practice. Key words Children’S acute bronchopneumonia;Wind and heat tightening and lung Removing pulmonary obstruction and resolving phlegm decoction: C1 inical research 原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下独立完成的