【】目的观察多巴胺受体激动剂普拉克索对早期帕金森(pd) 病人的治疗效果。方法选择早期pd病人60例,随机分成美多芭组和普拉克索组,两组病人从小剂量开始渐增加剂量至症状稳定后维持治疗,采用改良ipexole for the therapy of early parkinson disease xu xiang, xie anmu, yu yongpeng, et al(department of neurology, the affiliated hospital of qingdao university medical college, qingdao 266003, china) ; [abstract] objective to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of pramipexole for early parkinson disease (pd). methods sixty patients adopar and pramipexole group in random. the drugs loptoms aintenance therapy onths. ent, both onth of treatment ipexole onths of treatment, arkedly improved pared onth of therapy (f=,q=,p ); the same result adopar group, onth madopar therapy, the patients’ condition uch improved than pretherapy (f=;q=,;p ); updrs score shoilar result (f=;q=,;p ). as for provement onths of therapy as pared onth medication (p ). after one and three months of therapy, the updrs score indicated that the improvement of madopar group ipexole (t=,;p ,). conclusion pramipexole is effective for improving the symptoms of patients ipexole is not as good as madopar.
[key adopar; pramipexole; treatment oute
普拉克索治疗早期帕金森病的效果 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.