摘要:目的:评价龙金通淋胶囊联合盐酸坦索罗辛治疗ⅢB 型前列腺炎相关症状的改善情况。方法:选择符合诊断标准的ⅢB 型前列腺炎患者100例,口服龙金通淋胶囊1 次2 粒,1 日3 次,,1日1次,疗程6周。以NIH-CPSI评分为指标,治疗前后进行疗效比较。结果:±±(P中国论文网/6/view- 关键词:慢性前列腺炎;坦索罗辛; Efficacy of Longjintonglin bination with Tamsulosin for ⅢB Type Prostatitis in 100 Cases Xu XialiangTian FangWei Yuping Abstract:Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Longjintonglin bination with tamsulosin for ⅢB type prostatitis. Methods:100 cases met the criteria of ⅢB type prostatitis were enrolled. All patients were treated with Longjintonglin (2capsules/time, tid.) plus tamsulosin ( mg ) for 6 weeks. The curative efficacy pared between the two groups with NIH-CPSI scores as index. Results:The total NIH-CPSI scores were ± before treatment vs. ± after treatment (P<); the NIH-CPSI scores for pain and fort were ± before treatment vs. ± after treatment (P<) ; and the NIH-CPSI scores for urination symptoms were ±111 vs. 111±015(P<) ; and the scores for quality of life were ±07 vs. ±(P<). Conclusion:Treatment of ⅢB type prostatitis with Longjintongli bination with terazosin achieved satisfactory curative efficacy. Key words:Chronic prostatitis; Tamsulosin;Longjintonglin; NIH-CPSI 【中图分类号】R697+.33【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1002-3763(2014)03-0092-02 前列腺炎是