The branch of the general assembly time. As of March 18, xx the branch of the General Assembly rade XXX application. ⑵预备党员在预备期间的表现情况及结论性意见。如xxx同志自xx年3月18日入党以来,能严格按照党员标准要求自己,具备了一个共产党员的条件。 The probationary member of the party in the performance of the preparatory period and the concluding observations. As of XXX since March 18, xx since the rades, in strict accordance with Party member standard demands on themselves, with munist conditions.
⑶表决情况及表决的结果。如本支部共有党员16名,实到会15名,有表决权的15名,经无记名投票表决,一致同意x x x同志按期转为正式党员。 The voting and voting results. As the branch of a total of 16 members, is to have the right to vote in 15, 15, by secret ballot vote, x x x agreed to turn for formal party rade. ⑷落款签名。支部有公章的要盖公章。支部书记要签名盖章并注明日期。 The signature signature. Branch with an official seal to the seal. Branch secretary to signature and date.