本科毕业论文 题目(中文) 19世纪英国女性意识的觉醒与萌发 (外文) The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in Britain 系别英语翻译系 专业英语 年级 2005 级 学生姓名 指导教师 结稿日期____________________________ The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in Britain Abstract There are many great litterateurs and famous novelists in England during the 19th century. Many women novelists welled up and broke plexion with controlled by men in literature. These women novelists described the new image of women with the sharp writing style and sagacious language. Jane Austen, the Bronte sister, Mrs. Gaskell and e Eliot are representative of them. This new image is different from the traditional pattern in men novel. The traditional pattern was tamable and sentiment which was described by men. However, feminine patter was strong and unattached which showed the strong feminist consciousness. Consciousness of women was as great a contribution to literature. This paper tries to analyze feminist consciousness and profoundly discuss a historical process of evolution in these women novels. The paper is made up of four sections. Section one introduces concept of feminist consciousness. Section two describes the awakening and germination of feminist consciousness in the 19th century in Britain. First, feminist consciousness has primary awakening in early 19th century. Then, I tried to analyze the feminist consciousness of Charlotte Bronte. Finally, I described Mrs. Gaskell and her works. Section three analyzes the reasons for the awakening and germination of feminist consciousness in the 19th century in Britain. Section four describes the value orientation and historical status of feminist consciousness. Key words: feminist consciousness; 19th century; Charlotte Bronte; Jane Austen; e Eliot The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in Britain Outline Thesis Statement: This paper tries to analyze Feminist Consciousness and