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文档列表 文档介绍
The Tibet the ---- Dreamtracker the park
Tianchi - peach cooked in Tianchi, I wait for you
The Tianchi ---- Tianchi scenery, Xinjiang gallery
Xinjiang - off your hijab
Beijing - He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man
Beijing - Oriental ancient capital, the hometown of the Great Wall
Macau - Chinese and Western the intersection, cultural heritage
Hong Kong - City of Life, a shopping paradise
Tianjin - open Tianjin doors, Xiaoying Octagon off
Chongqing - forever Three Gorges, the world's Chongqing
Inner Mongolia - the beautiful Qingcheng, Paradise Prairie
Of Hohhot - Paradise prairie charm Qingcheng
Ningxia - forceful western scenery, beautiful Southern Frontier
Liaoning Province
· Tour Liaoning strange landscape, browse Kanto folk customs.
Shenyang - new Shenyang, new environment
Dalian - the romantic city of Dalian, China
Jilin Province
· Rime ice and snow, the truth Jilin
Changchun City - will always be spring!
Heilongjiang Province
· China in the 21st century ski resort
Harbin - cold ice city
Harbin - Paris of the Orient
Hebei Province
· New century, swim Hebei, new feelings
Chengde City - tour Chengde, the Emperor choice
Handan City - tour the city of Handan, products ancient Zhao culture
Henan Province
· China's source, Fairview Henan
Luoyang City - the national flower peony City
Xianyang City - Chinese pyramids are

全国旅游城市宣传口号大全谷歌翻译 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数7
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人bodkd
  • 文件大小24 KB
  • 时间2018-09-07