产业的地位与作用- 从环境保护和可持续发展的观点分析 Role of industry-From the perspective of environmental protection and sustainable development 广州大学王筱虹 Wang Xiao Hong Guangzhou University 一、 环境与可持续发展 —现代社会发展的根本目标I. Environment and Sustainable — ultimate goal of modern society development 1 . 环境问题的全球化要求新型的经济发展模式 The globalization of environmental problem required a new economic development model 高投入、高消耗、高污染 “低投入、低消耗、低污染” 2. 可持续发展概念的提出The concept of sustainable development 在不危害后代人的需要的前提之下,寻求满足我们当代人需要的发展途径。 Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present promising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs。 The goal of sustainable development “经济-环境-社会”三者的可持续发展 The three bottom line-the sustainable development of economy,ecology and society。 生态可持续 Sustainable Ecology 社会可持续 Sustainable Society 经济可持续 Sustainable Economy 二、环境保护和可持续发展对现代产业的要求II. The requests from Environmental protection and sustainable development to modern industry 1. 传统产业在“经济-环境-社会”中的地位和作用 The role and function of traditional industry in ‘economic-environment-society’ system 产业的角色: 资源消耗者和商品和服务的生产者 Role of industry: The consumer of resource and the producer of merchandise and services