䠃ශ㠠ম䖜䇴䇗δᓋⴎ䇴䇗ε 㾷 ↔⅑䇮䇑Ⲵ䶎ޜ䐟㠚ন䖖䘲ᓄҾཊ⢩ᇊ⭘䙄ˈᱟ൏ᯩ䘀䗃઼䵢ཙ ⸯዙǃ⋉൏䘀䗃Ⲵ㓿⍾ǃ儈᭸ǃվ㙇Ⲵ䘀䗃䇮༷DŽ䈕䖖ާᴹѪ䘲ᓄ䟽䖭ᐕ ߥ㘼⢩↺䇮䇑Ⲵᛜᤲ㌫㔏ǃ࣐ᕪරᇭփ傡ࣘ-24 රᇭབྷᐕ〻䖞㛾ˈ 䇱Ҷ䖖䖶Ⲵࡦࣘ؍ˈ䈕䖖ާᴹ䎵ᕪ䖭㜭࣋ˈ਼ᰦᨀҶ䎵ᕪⲴ䱴⵰㜭࣋֯ っᇊᙗ઼㢟ྭⲴ䙊䗷ᙗˈ䟷⭘Ҷབྷ䙏∄ᐕ〻傡ࣘẕˈަ䗃ࠪ䖜⸙∄਼࣏⦷ޜ 䐟䖖བྷ 30%ԕкˈ⡜එ㜭࣋ᕪˈ䟽䖭䎧↕亪DŽ Ҷањ䈖㓶Ⲵ䈤᰾ˈަѝवڊᵜ䈤᰾Җѫ㾱ᱟሩ KD3640 ᮤ䖖ᙫփᐳ㖞 ᤜᮤ䖖ѫ㾱ቪረ˄䮯*ᇭ*儈˅ˈࡽਾ䖤䐍ˈ䖞䐍ˈ䖤㦧࠶䝽Ⲵ䘹ᤙ઼䇑㇇ԕ ৺ᙫᡀ˄ਁࣘᵪˈՐࣘ㌫˅Ⲵѫ㾱৲ᮠⲴ䘹ᤙDŽ 䶒㘼㓶㠤Ⲵ࠶઼᷀䇑㇇ˈሩࣘޘҶ∄䖳ڊ࡛ሩᮤ䖖Ⲵࣘ࣋ᙗ઼㓿⍾ᙗ⢩ ࣋ᙗ࠶᷀ᰦˈ࠶࡛ࠪҶ傡ࣘ࣋ü㹼傦䱫࣋ᒣ㺑മˈࣘ࣋⢩ᙗമˈ࣏⦷ᒣ㺑 മDŽ≲ࠪ⊭䖖Ⲵᴰབྷ䙏ᓖˈਖཆҏሩ⊭䖖൘н਼Ⲵ䐟䶒к㹼傦ᰦˈ࠶࡛䇑㇇ ᮠᴢ㓯≲ࠪ⊭䖖Ⲵ࣐䙏ᰦ䰤ˈՠ㇇Ҷ䈕قࠪҶަᴰབྷ⡜එᓖˈᒦṩᦞ࣐䙏ᓖ 䖖Ⲵ࣐䙏ᙗ㜭DŽ൘䇑㇇⊭䖖Ⲵ㓿⍾ᙗᰦˈṩᦞਁࣘᵪзᴹ⢩ᙗᴢ㓯ˈࠪҶ 9 ᥑᰦⲴ⟳⋩⎸㙇ᴢ㓯ˈ਼ᰦ䇑㇇ᗇᮤ䖖ⲴⲮޜ䟼⟳⋩⎸㙇䟿DŽ䙊䗷䇑㇇㔃 ᷌ᱮ⽪ˈ↔⊭䖖൘ࣘ࣋ᙗ઼㓿⍾ᙗᯩ䶒┑䏣Ҷ䇮䇑ԫ࣑ҖⲴ㾱≲DŽ Ҷ䇑㇇઼࠶᷀ˈᒦṩᦞ㓿ڊਖཆᵜ᮷ҏሩ⊭䖖Ⲵっᇊᙗ઼ᴰሿ䖜ᕟॺᖴ 傼ՠ㇇ࠪҶオ䖭઼┑䖭ᰦ⊭䖖Ⲵ䍘ᗳս㖞ԕ৺䖤㦧࠶䝽DŽ ޣ䭞䇽˖䖭㜭࣋ˈ䱴⵰㜭࣋ˈࡦࣘっᇊᙗˈ䙊䗷ᙗˈࣘ࣋ᙗˈ㓿⍾ᙗ I DESIGN OF HEAVE –DUTY DUMP (CHASSIS DESIGN) ABSTRAC The non –highway heavy-duty dump truck of this design can adapt many kinds of given is an economical,efficient and low useful conveyance for hillock transport,sand transport and all kind of outdoor has especially desingned suspension system,strengthen widen project driving axle and 14-24type big wide project tales,this cause the truck possess preeminent bearing,at the same time ,this kind of tale can cause big climbing force,assuring the truck has brake stability and good is counted high rate riving axle,its output torque is 30 point bigger than the road vehicle which are at the same power. This book mainly give an expatiation about the vehicle general layout of the heavy dumper KD6400,including the vehicle dimensions(long*wide*high),the distribution of axle load in front and back ,the choice and calculation about the main parameter of the vehicle’s ponents(engine,transmission)and so on. Especially in the dynamic property and economic performance,we give an overall and meticulo us analysis and calculation .In the dynamic property ,we made the driving force-road resistance equilibrium diagram,the dynamic factor diagram and the power balance those diagram,we can get the maximum also calcul