方法:将65例高血压病患者(符合WHO诊断标准)随机分为干预组33 例和对照组32例,两组患者一般资料具有可比性。对照组32例,仅给予常规的药物治疗,干预组33 例除给予常规的药物治疗外辅以非药物治疗的护理干预措施。经过12周的治疗,观察两组患者血压变化、遵医服药、合理饮食、控制体重、适量运动及保持平常心理等方面的认知行为情况。经统计学处理,分析两组患者的治疗效果。单纯的药物治疗虽能降低血压,但从平稳降压和改善病人生活方式的效果上均不及护理干预组。
Title: Old age high blood pressure munity nursing of the disease intervention
Speciality: nursing
Applicant: Li Qiong
Supervisor: Prof. Shang CuiXia
Objectives: In time detection and prevention high blood pressure disease, study nursing intervention press effect to the decline munity high blood pressure sufferer, insure a sufferer health.
Methods: 65 of high blood pressure patient random is divided into intervention set 33 be 32, two sets of sufferer general the data have can matched control is 32, only give the medicine treatment of normal regulations, intervention set 33 in addition to give the medicine of normal regulations treatment assist with the non- medicine treatment of nursing intervention 12 weeks of treatment, observation two sets of sufferer blood pressure variety, the Zun cure medicine, reasonable food, control weight, just the right amount of sport and mon mental state etc. of cognition behavior statistics to learn a processing, analysis two sets of sufferer of treatment of medicine treatment although ability lower blood pressure, from steady decline to press with improvement patient's life style of effect top all can pare with nursing intervention set.
Results: Two sets of intervention in front and back the average blood pressure all have already intervention set's descending range and matched control difference have already shown Zhao meaning(P<), interv
老高血压病社区护理干预 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.