内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文习卡通画的过程中,能潜移默化的影响儿童审美价值观,筛选出适合自己看与画的卡通内容;通过绘画技法的学习,能掌握基本的美术技能; 能在创作自己喜爱的卡通形像时,使想像力及创造性思维能力得以充分
With the rapid devel opment of the information age,many kinds of
cartoons and animation cartoons appearing ic books,merchandise
packaging,television programs and movies as media patterns,contlnued
make an notable impact on people’s vision and have e fashionable m today’S society as a to the surveys of media,among tne current social life,there are nearly 90%of the number of children who love cartoon strong interest in cartoons shows that the principal audience for the market and consumer level are today’S society,
cartoon wofks is making increasing impact on chi ldren directly or indirectly. This Dhenomenon has aroused great concern of educators at home and abroad and gained in—depth discussion.
From the point of view that children have accepted the foreign cartoons,
children are thought to enj oy copying these cartoon images and mimic thelr to the limitation of ages and children’S necognization,it 7S
difficuIt for us to filter out the cartoon,pictures mad books to fit children’S situation will undoubtedly affect the children’s physical and mental solve the issue above,the author has investigated a number Ot for children out of school and found copying as a mam teaching method can not give full play to children’s in the process of their a result,their cartoons have nothing the long nln,the fixed Copying mode will gradually lead the psychological weanness of
Yin Shao well—known art educator said:¨In the art of teaching,It mav be essful that teachers use bossy,method to make children conduct the same style of it must be a failure in art education on long run.”As art education workers
儿童卡通画教学探析-学科教学(美术)专业毕业论文 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.