摘 要
对塞尚的研究开始于 19 世纪末期,这期间理论家们运用的视角和途径甚为丰富, 结论迥异。在对塞尚的研究中,形式主义,图像学,精神分析是三大主要视角,各自成就瞩目。本文另辟蹊径,拟从语言学视角出发,运用语言学原理,对塞尚作品的艺术语言加以全面系统的讨论,在此基础上分析塞尚作品对绘画语言的运用规律,希望依次融合以上视角之成果,使研究更接近塞尚的本真。同时,也希望通过对老大师的解读为现代中国的架上绘画带来新的发展思路。
本着这一目的,笔者从塞尚的艺术成就和影响入手,综述了历史上塞尚研究的不同视角,进而提出对塞尚研究的语言学视角,讨论了语言学视角和其他视角的区别和联系。从语言学视角出发,笔者对塞尚各个时期具有代表性的作品的绘画语言加以解析,在讨论了塞尚个人的艺术理论后,又解析了塞尚作品的文化语言,探讨了塞尚的艺术追求, 尔后,结合当代中国架上绘画的问题,揭示了认真对待塞尚的艺术对于当代中国架上绘画的意义。
A study on Cezanne began in the late 19th century, during which theorists used very rich perspectives and ways of applying and gained different conclusions. In the study of Cezanne, formalism, image science, psychoanalysis are three main perspectives and each of them achieves greatly. using linguistic theory this article from an absolutely new style and from perspectives of Linguistics has prehensively systematic discussion of the art language in Cezanne’s works and on this basis analyses the applying rule in it .It is hoped that fusing the achievements of visual angle above makes the research closer to Cezanne's original and at the same time brings new developing ideas to Chinese modern painting through the interpretation of the old masters.
With this purpose and starting with Cezanne's artistic achievements and influences, I will review different perspectives on the research of Cezanne in history, thus put forward the linguistic perspectives on the study of him and discuss the distinguish and relationship between the linguistic visual angle and others. From the perspective of Linguistics, I will analysis the painting language in his reprehensive works during each period. After discussing his personal art theory I also parse the cultural language in his workers and explore his
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