“忠义"在数千年的发展演变中被赋予极其丰富的内涵。“忠义"。思想已成为中国人立身、处世的基本准则之一。.作为综合国力中的中华民族精神的重要组成部分,“忠义" 思想不仅对于当代中国的发展意义重大,而且它本身是个不断发展的、不断实现对传统超越的动态系统。
“忠义"思想的作用和影响是广泛而深刻的,当今社会的发展依然需要合乎时代的“忠义"思想。“忠义"思想可以在超越个人和小集体狭隘利益的基础上协调人们的心理和行为,使人际关系更加和谐,提供和强化中华儿女实现祖国统一和民族复兴的共同思想基础, 为社会主义两个文明建设提供动力和精神支持,对构建和谐社会,树立社会主义荣辱观都有重要的意义。对于中国这样一个多民族的发展中大国,“忠义”思想具有愈益重要的社会价值,特别是在当代社会的急剧转型期更是一种不可低估的精神资源。在现代化进程中思考、分析和重树“忠义"思想,是一个值得深入研究的时代课题。
论文以唯物史观基本原理为指导,以历史与逻辑相统一为基本原则,主要采用文献资料法、比较研究法、反思研究法、观察法、调查法进行研究。论文从传统“忠义"思想产生根源和历史演进过程开始以探寻和把握其演进特点、原因和本质规律,对传统“忠义" 思想进行批判继承进而从深层次探索现代“忠义”思想。关键解决“忠义"思想的现代价值及其对建立新型人际关系,,树立社会主义荣辱观,建立和谐社会等现实问题的理论价值和实践意义。力图弘扬“忠义’’思想使它渗透到社会生活的各个领域i让人领悟其精髓, 用以滋养我们的道德精神、培育我们的道德人格。
In the process of the evolution for thousands of years,the idea of“Loyalty”is given extremely rich connotation.'-.The idea of“Loyalty’’has e one of the fundamental criteria for Chinese to conduct oneself in society and has also e the important general strategy for the feudalism ruler to administer his state affairs well and ensure his national the ponent of the Chinese national spirit prehensivet national power,the idea of ‘‘Loyalty’’not only has the great importance to the development of modem China,it is also
dynamic system itself for self-development and for exceeding tradition.
The idea of“Loyalty'’,as the specified social moral principle oforientation,is the ponent in Chinese traditional a moral consciousness and,,idea of value,the idea of “L0yalty”is the spiritual base in Chinese families,society,and the自country,which produces the
important influence on Chinese traditional politics,culture,education,law conception and the
citizens’characters etc—The function and influence of the idea of“Loyalty'’is wide and the idea of“Loyalty”is still needed to ke印pace with the development of the society.
The thesis with only the thing history view basic principle is instruction,With the history and
the logic unifies mutually for basic principle,Main adopt
传统“忠义”思想及其现代价值-伦理学专业毕业论文 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.