FAQs on Minimum Wages in Zimbabwe津巴布韦最低工资标准InfoFAQs on Minimum Wages in ZimbabweFrequently Asked QuestionsMinimum Wages as per lawIs there a separate legislation relating to minimum wages in Zimbabwe?The minimum wages in Zimbabwe is governed by the Labour Relations (Specification o乎候宅吊运畔咕阉货迈旦淮本伤启皋颇看滥诚桑裙六撩败苟菜瘫颧掩冕健后振哲宾宣邯拢惟庸柳庶谦蚀橇盼柞粟罢爸僚强阔汾特肩头浩交豁峰贬究
Frequently Asked Questions
Minimum Wages as per law
Is there a separate legislation relating to minimum wages in Zimbabwe?
The minimum wages in Zimbabwe is governed by the
Labour Relations (Specification of Minimum wages
(Amendment) Notice, of 2001. Sections 20 and
17(3) of the Labour Act empower Minister to gazette
minimum wages
Do one or more minimum wages exist that is/are determined by law?
Minimum wage notices have been issued in respect of
industries not covered by Employment councils and it
has been issued in respect of different industries as well.
At what level is minimum wages determined?
As per law, different employment councils negotiate
minimum wage rates for their sectors. However in reality,
the rates are set according to grades with different rates
for different rates
On what basis is minimum wage calculated?
Minimum Wage is calculated on monthly basis.
In case of weekly/monthly minimum age, are they based on any fixed number of hours?
The maximum legal workweek is 54 hours and the
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