煤矿地面35KV变电所的设计 摘要 本设计初步设计了煤矿地面35KV变电所的设计。其设计过程主要包括负荷计算、主接线设计、短路计算、电气设备选择、防雷与接地等。通过对煤矿35KV变电所的负荷统计,用需用系数法进行负荷计算,根据负荷计算的结果确定主变压器的台数、容量及型号。用标幺值法对供电系统进行短路电流计算,为电气设备的选择及校验提供了数据。根据煤矿供电系统的特点,制定了矿井变电所的主接线方式、运行方式。其中35KV侧为全桥接线,6KV主接线为单母分段接线。两台主变压器采用分列运行方式。并根据电流整定值以及相关数据,选择了断路器、隔离开关、互感器等电气设备,并进行校验。 关键词:负荷计算; 短路计算; 变电所; 运行方式 Abstract The coal mine ground 35KV transformer substation was designed. Design process is mainly including load calculate, the design of main electrical connection, short out calculate, electric equipment choose, lightning protection and grounding, etc. According to load statistics and the result of load calculation determine the quantity ,capacity and mode of the main voltage transformer .According to the characteristic of the coal electric system determine the main electrical connection and operation mode of the ground transformer substation .The side of 35KV is Full –bridge Connection and the bus of 6KV is single bus section .The two voltage transformers adopt the mode of split run .And according to the check–up of whole definite value and relevant data of the electric current , have chosen such electric equipment as the relay, voltage transformer ,etc. Keywords:Load calculation; short-circuit calculation; substations; operation mode 目录 1概述 1 1 1 1 2负荷计算 3 3 3 5 5 10 12 12 3变电所主变压器的选择与校验 15 15 15 16 35KV侧全矿负荷计算及功率因数校验 16 17 4电气主接线设计 18 18 18 18 19 5短路计算 21 21 21 21 23 23 24 28 6高压电气设备选择 29 29 35KV电气设备选择及校验 30 30 31 32 33 35KV避雷器的选择 33 6KV电气设备选择 34 39 35KV输电线路及