TranslationofEnglishProverbsfromaCulturalPerspective-英语论文.docTranslation of English Proverbs from a Cultural Perspective Introduction How to translate the English proverbs efficiently? Many translators are harassed by this issue throughout,especially the English learners. The majority of scholars discuss it in the aspects of etymology,contrasts between English and Chinese, rhetoric, and the transfer theory and so on. These researches have important implemental and instructive significances with regard to raise the translation level. From the above, it is not difficult to see that they touch upon the cultural interference a little. Because of the close relationship between language and culture and the effects brought by mother language,Chinese bine Chinese traditional thinking habits,values and so on unavoidably into the proverbs translation. Therefore, the inferences take shape and the translated works Chinglish. This writer holds that cultural barrier is the key of affecting efficient proverbs translation because language and culture are well blended as milk and water. In order to learn a language, one must study the culture the language reflects and know the differences between the national culture and the foreign ones. And the manifestation showed in language.(文平,2003:9) This paper will analyze it from the English proverbs’ definition, source, features and functions and discuss the translation of English proverbs from a cultural per