关键词:月桂酸甘油酯;工艺计算;设备选型;公用工程;初步设计 Absract The workshop of glyceryl laurate of 2 000 tons per year was designed. The production process of the glyceryl laurate and the layout equipment were described in this paper. The physical and chemical properties of the glycerim, the dode canoic acid and the glyceryl laurate were introduced. According to the properties of the glyceryl laurate, the process route was identifified. The glycerim and the dode canoic acid were esterification with the glyceryl laurate. And the raw materials and products were viscous. The storage methods and measures were introduced. The market status and prospects of glyceryl laurate were invested in order to determined the definition of the market. The use in dairy industry, animal husbandry and industrial production were introduced simply. According to the previous information, a production workshop was designed by empirical data. And a lot of strict calculation including mass balance, heat balauce, equipment were calucuated, the size and type of key equipment were selected. The process the workshop layout and the key equipment plan were drawn by Auto CAD and flow chart with control point plan was drawn by hand. Finally, a instruction of 20 000 words pleted. Key words: Glyceryl laurate; Process calculation; Equipment selection; Public works; Preliminary design 目录 摘要 错误!未定义书签。 ABSTRACT 错误!未定义书签。 第1章总论 错误!未定义书签。 概述 错误!未定义书签。 产品的意义与作用 错误!未定义书签。 国内外的现状及发展前景 错误!未定义书签。 产品的性质和特点 错误!未定义书签。 生产方法概述 3 设计依据 3 厂址选择 3 1