2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2005年 7月润滑与密封 July 2005 第 4期(总第 170期) LUBR ICATI1ON ENGINEER ING No 4 ( serial No 170) 电火花放电熔涂层在边界润滑条件下的磨损特性 赵会友曲敬信陈华辉高永超 1 (中国矿业大学北京校区北京 100083) 摘要: 用环块磨损试验机对铬电极电火花熔涂层及淬火低温回火态 45#钢的边界润滑滑动磨损特性进行了研究。结 # # 果表明, 轻载低速条件下, 熔涂1 层与 45 钢的边界润滑滑动磨损机制以犁沟划伤为主, 熔涂层的磨损量与 45 钢的相当; 重载高速条件下, 熔涂层的磨损机理以粘着磨损和磨料磨损为主, 而 45#钢的磨损机理以点蚀剥落为主。熔涂层的磨损 量远比 45#钢的大。 关键词: 滑动磨损; 边界润滑; 电火花熔涂; 铬; 涂层 中图分类号: TH117 1; TG174 445 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0254 - 0150 (2005) 4 - 068 - 3 The Sliding W ear Characteristics under Boundary Lubrication of the Coating Electrospark deposited with Chrom ium Anode Zhao Hu iyo u Q u J ingxin C hen Huahu i Gao Yo ngchao (Beijing Campus of China University ofM ining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: The sliding wear characteristics under boundary lubrication of the coating electrospark deposited on 45 steel with Cr anode was studied with a ring on block tester. The results show that at low sliding speed and small load, the main wear mechanism of the coating and 45 steel is scratching, and the width of the wear scar of the coating is app roximately equal to that of 45 steel, and at high sliding speed and large load, the main wear mechanism of the coating is abrasive and adhesive delam ination while the main wear mechanism of the 45 steel is p itting, and the width of the wear s