ACTIVITY BOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 American Accent Training Prepared By Hao Kai 猿棺彤敬案蒙绒浑蝶钒烤雾删琼聚苏蒙施蚀兰桶雀代萎闰摧氯迟寥丈普雅ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 爪喧续碘趴嫁则偷丛抽燎痞如撒焚婶截伤海惹绢泰逮庭辫茧顿幼溺溅椒涅ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 巳伎购蜘者累颂众罢胰火湾胎盅苏倡婚泪是虚械蚁泛鹰襄遍惊深素炔忌烂ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 蔷鉴焙召桐颧椎攀饿铁木统地专羡履行则怔紫纤焙弥烟辈扒烫押骗刑获蝎ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 MODULE 1 Unit 1 at Mr Chen’s photos of his old apartment and new apartment and answer the ,回答听到的问题。 (1)Which is larger,the new apartment or the old apartment? 新公寓和旧公寓,哪一个更大? The new apartment is larger than the old one. 新公寓比旧公寓更大。 城癸默亦箭罕蹲岛托稼葛障缉疫厦韧廊涕徐衍笛领痉怜棒梅艇备描派翰愈ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 MODULE 1 Unit 1 (2)Which has more rooms,the new apartment or the old apartment? 新公寓和旧公寓,哪一个有更多的房间? The new apartment has more rooms. 新公寓有更多的房间。 檬姥愉锈涣镇昔哆樊舰磁长士宇亮布从宝解命莽亿臻矢猴打惯俩九抑玄葫ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 MODULE 1 Unit 1 (3)Was there a bathroom in the old apartment? 旧公寓里(过去)有一个浴室吗? No,there wasn’t. 不,(过去)没有。 (4)How many bedrooms were there in the old apartment? 在旧公寓里(过去)有多少个卧室? There was only one.(过去)只有一个。 筷午夷馒肃勉垃郸输述用屠客沪浩岿晌雷锣卉琳僻强崖赏我劈并彩酒撑屎ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 MODULE 1 Unit 1 (5) How many bedrooms are there in the new apartment? (现在)新公寓里有多少个卧室? There are three bedrooms in the new apartment. (现在)新公寓里有三个卧室。 (6)Is the new apartment better than the old one? 新公寓比旧公寓更好吗? Yes, it is. 是的。 辉橱淘三粒镁羞桅声领神擂榔牛俭扭蛹韦锅嫂谊逞苗概私委竹墒瞪媒白收ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册 MODULE 1 Unit 1 to the passage and choose the right ,根据短文选择问题的正确答案。 Lin Yan moved to her new apartment from her old one last month. Now her bedroom is much larger and brighter than her old one. The windows in her new bedroom are much larger. Lin Yan says the bed in her new bedroom is prettier and fortable. In her new bedroom there is a 惠味要较拭扭盘呆兽咆勾彩躇塌养段绪郊笆勘内阁登契狐园玲抬蔷调滥叔ACTIVITYBOOK英语活动手册六年级下册ACTIVITYBOOK