57 2 Vol. 57 No. 2
2006 2 Jour nal of Che mical Industr y and Engi neeri ng (Chi na ) Febr uar y 2006
郑建华1 !包德才1 !2 !刘朝武1 !赵燕军1 !马小军1
1 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所中国科学院研究生院辽宁大连
( 9 9 116023 ;
2 渤海大学化学与化工学院辽宁锦州
9 121000 )
关键词2克拉霉素; 胃漂浮小丸; 海藻酸钠; 乙基纤维素; 幽门螺旋杆菌
!R 318. 08 !A !0438 -1157 (2006 )02 -0363 -04
Preparati on of cl arit hr o myci n-cont ai ni ng fl oati ng pell ets i n st o mach
Z HENG Ji anhua 1 "BAO Decai 1 "2 "LI U Chao Wu 1 "Z HAO Yan un 1 "MA Xi ao un 1
(1 Dalian i nstit ute O f Che mical PhSsics 9 Chinese Acade mS O f Sciences 9Graduate Sc hOOl O f Chinese
Acade mS O f Sciences 9 Dalian 116023 9 LiaOning 9 China ;
2 Sc hOOl O f Che mistrS and Che mical Engineering 9 BOhai Uniuersit S 9 JinzhOu 121000 9 LiaOning 9China )
Abstract 2TWo t ypes of fl oati ng pell ets i n st o mach Were prepared. The first one 2fl oati ng al gi nate pell ets
contai ni ng et hylcell ul ose and cl arit hr o myci n (AE )Were pell ets Wit h di spersed et hylcell ul ose i n t he al gi nate
gel matri x. The second one 2et hylcell ul ose mi cr ospheres contai ni ng cl arit hr o myci n ( Em ) Were first
prepared by t he e mulsi on sol vent diff usi on met hod 9 and t hen al gi nate pell ets contai ni ng et hylcell ul ose
mi cr ospheres ( AEm ) Were prepared. The eff ects of pr ocessi ng para
克拉霉素胃漂浮小丸的制备 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.